A Sicily to be tasted .
Consortium of the Sicilian Denominations of Origin
DOS Sicilia is an Association of Consortia for the Promotion and Valorisation of typical Sicilian Agri-food products with the DOP, IGP and QS mark . The Association includes 17 Consortia for the protection and enhancement of certified quality productions: Carota Novella di Ispica IGP, Ciliegia dell’Etna DOP. Cioccolato di Modica IGP, Pecorino Siciliano DOP, Piacentinu Ennese DOP, Ragusano DOP, Olio Monte Etna DOP, Olio DOP Monti Iblei, Olio DOP Val di Mazara, Pistacchio di Raffadali DOP, Pistacchio Verde di Bronte DOP, Pomodoro di Pachino IGP, Provola dei Nebrodi DOP. Vastedda della Vale del Belice DOP. Pesca di Leonforte IGP, Progetto Natura Società Cooperativa Agricola (QS), Rete Ovinicoltori Siciliani (QS).
Through a great project of cohesion, sharing, and participation, DOS Sicilia favors the aggregation of the offer in order to satisfy the demand in a systematic way and guarantee, to the producer, a profitable placement of the product.
The participating Consortia and Associations will be supported in the implementation of innovative forms of sale .
in the development of innovations, scientific research, and sustainability, on the one hand; fight against food waste, processes anti-fraud and promotion of healthy diets, on the other hand, are the further ambitious objectives of DOS Sicilia to relaunch the best practices already acquired and consolidated in the Sicilian agri-food sector of Certified Quality.
Strategic objectives of the DOS Sicilia Consortium
Sharing of Know-How and Best Practices
Promotion of a Sustainable Food Consumption
Brand Promotion DOP,IGPAnd QS
Disclosure of Process and Product Innovations
Brand Promotion DOP,IGPAnd QS
Innovative forms of sales in Digital Markets
Strategic Cooperation of the Agri-food Supply Chain
New strategies
Our Certification Marks
Protected Designation Of Origin
The DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) mark is a designation registered with the European Community to indicate a typical Italian product of high quality, whose area of origin and the traditions still used to create it make it so peculiar that it must be protected from counterfeits. .
Among all the denominations and indications present in Italy, the DOP is probably the best known and certainly the most restrictive; Its very limited regulation guarantees the consumer a high quality product, both as regards the origin and provenance of raw materials, as well as for its production and food safety.
Protected Geographical Indication
The term protected geographical indication indicates a mark of origin attributed byEuropean Union ai agricultural and food products with a certain quality, reputation or additional characteristic dependent on geographical origin. At least one of the stages of production, transformation and / or processing must take place within ageographic area determined. To obtain the PGI therefore, at least one phase of the production process must take place in a particular area. Those who produce PGI must comply with the strict production rules established in production specification, and compliance with these rules is guaranteed by uno control body independent.
Safe Quality guaranteed by the Sicilian Region
The collective brand for the enhancement of agri-food products that the Sicily region has created is distinguished from the others by the content of the Production Regulations which provide for the adoption of traceability systems compliant with ISO 22005 along the production chains, due to the high quality and product requirements. of the finished product and along the supply chains, and for the very strict food safety requirements, in particular for mycotoxin contamination.
The certification process is similar to that of the other product certifications, providing for the certification request by the company concerned and the subsequent documentary evaluation.
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